Tuesday, January 10, 2012

oh hi!

i've set blogging aside a bit as you can tell.  but i think i'm back (ha).  i think.

the holidays crept up and swept me away with the demands of muh little job and just life. 

anyway - here are a couple of the very few pics we took of what's been up lately - the only events we used our camera for is laraye and andy's wedding and rehearsal din.  as for the stuff in between - sadly the camera has been parked and i've been using muh phone IF even that (actually i've been blowing up instigram with pics, but that's no substitute - you can find me at username "yelizabeta" - if you want;)

anyway - here you go












more of the wedding and rehearsal here

and the rest of the few from november/december/jan (this post has officially taken me several days to complete for the record):

a busier day at work  

our little tree

the real santa

finally got to meet these two boys - rozzy and coop.  their ma is a good friend
speaking of their ma - while she's here in town, she let me do her hair!  the 'before' and 'after' kind of goes without saying, but...anyway

all this hair coloring is making me want to change mine! like go lighter! but i can't officially decide yet - life!

finally, this is me playing bocce ball with wes at the park like two steps from our house! why do we never go there! going forward, i will go there more

lastly - bear with me - are you all resolutioners?  i am! i never keep mine, but it's good to aim towards something.  i'm kind of still working through coming up with 'em, but here's what i got so far: 

1) work on self control (i.e. food, money, etc.)
2) practice patience (very loaded one, but i know what i mean :) 
3) read 5 books (right now i'm working through "in the garden of beasts" by erik larson)
4) make more hearty soups (discovered that wes is a huge fan - this could be the ticket folks!) 
5) establish a steady clientele 

that's it for now.  other than going to the park more!

ok - thanks for reading.  seriously i really mean that.  if you're still a reader (and if you're still reading this post) you are pretty great.


  1. GAH! elizabeth! you can do my hair! my hair sucks! Where have you been all my life?

  2. well my my i'd love to. you know how to get ahold o' me when in need dahling. thanks for stopping by ;)
