Wednesday, July 7, 2010

wednesday nite

i don't want to speak too soon, but i believe i have officially trained my body to live on 5 hours of sleep a night.  i think. 

just a regular ol' night - except for the fact that 3 years ago today, my fella and i got engaged.  it was special.  7.7.7.  there was a long running joke with that date for years prior - i used to answer people that date who asked "so when are you getting married".  i'd say "777".  then the fella came along in 05 and learned quickly about this joke.  i say joke because the thought of marriage at that time made him nerveuse.  as the date neared, the creature started stirring.  resolved to be okay with the fact that it's going to be a long time before the marriage situation, i thought we should at least have a special day.  with that, the ideas rolled in his crimson read head (more like basketball orange), and he used the opportunity - along with my obliviousness and gullibility - to ask what i thought about being a hhwife.  and here were are. 

anywho - i was looking for a pic of our engagement since i don't have any on my mac readily available, and signed into the ol' xanga.  it's all still there!  i love reading old posts.  the one that was particularly entertaining was this one - i'll spare you the whole post, but here's a quote - it's me listing all the possibilities of post graduation life on jan 4 2008: 

these are my possibilities (who says they're realistic):
-go to art school and get into fashion.
-send off my scarf idea to a company who would like to buy it (it's this thing i called TherModa. Don't you hate the heating scarves that you have to plug in to heat up and look so ugly? Well.......anyway, you get the idea. maybe not, irono)
-have a little patching/tayloring business - i need to sow though. a lot.
-what else? i don't know. a lot of possibilities. i haven't had much time to think about it. excuses excuses. seriously, they grow on trees. everywhere!

and a pic of my longer hair round that xmas time
i was never really great at styling it long.  giving it another shot since now it's muh job! 

finally, i need to get myself a crimper.  love the frizz!  and it lasts days :)
let's not talk about damage.  we've been there and back.  many tines.  


1 comment:

  1. You are too cute missy. I so remember telling you that Wes was going to propose and you saying that wouldn't happen for years to come. So glad I was right. :-)
