Monday, September 26, 2011

fur coat

well i hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.

mine was.  here's what i wore one of the days.

floral colonial jacket - vintage (will soon be on my shop again :)
polka tank - a glass jar
front draped dress - thrifted
shoes - bandalino via don't remember (woops)

on saturday i got to participate in la ray's lovely bridal shower brunch.  this was her ma telling us funny stories about her.  she had quite a few :)

on sunday, we had some good friends over for dinner.  i promised to make them a traditional russian meal (or at least some components of it) and i was slightly nervous considering he's a chef and all.  i decided to make this the russian meal part 1, just because there are so many different dishes.  and russian meals often consist of "sides" that can be easily served as the main course so i had to whittle down my options, and for the introductory/part 1 dinner, i decided on shooba which is a russian term for "fur coat". the dish consists of layers and layers of different ingredients (herring, onions, potatoes, beets, carrots, boiled egg with like a sour cream spread in between) piled on top of each other to make a little cake-like dish.  anyway - there were other items, but this is one i did from scratch so i'm highlighting it most :) to serve you slice through it like a cake and it has these fabulous little layers inside.

and the verdict was it was pretty good! woo! now for part 2.  so many options.

i just started watching madmen and am on the fence still.  i finished episode two last night and i know sometimes it takes a couple. the show takes place in like the 50's i think, before a lot of discoveries.  there was a scene where mrs. draper's little girl runs up to her with a dry cleaning plastic bag on her head and the mom is upset that her dry cleaning is on the floor.  you're like "um hello!" lol. made me chuckle, like for a really long part of the show.  anyway - very interesting.  it think i'll keep watching.

alright - lates.

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