"every time i see a photo of myself from the past month, i think 'what was i thinking'" --chloe sevigny. i totally hear ya, girl. anyway, i wore this on friday, technically. our camera ran out of battery power and for the life of us we cannot locate the charger. so we ordered a new one. but in the meantine, here's ma friday (and some of saturday too):
i got these flared jeans at article consignment (they're paper denim) and still feel a bit iffy about them...on me. (no, elizabeth, they look really good! keep wearing them...ok i will! haha, thanks guys!).
that crazy vintage blouse throw-over is a piece that will likely be found on my shop shortly. if you like it you can put a ring on it.
saturday was probably the funnest sixth birthday party i've ever been to - go eva! she's the coolest little girl - you can learn more about her on
her ma's blog. the tyannikov's sure do know how to put on an adult-friendly kid bday party.
ok. i gotta go ta work. this post was on draft mode since yesterday - geez. it's getting turned in as is folks. whatever the grade, haha.
lastly before i go - today marks 3 years of being married to wes. woo! i don't even know wha-haaaappen with the time. exactly this time 3 years back i think i was eating breakfast with my bridesmaids at fox and goose. it's been a good three. praise the lord.
see ya!!